First Time Home Buyers > Now is the time if you want 20%

 Program Updates 

07/18/2023 - The Legislature passed, and Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law, the 2023-24 State Budget which provides $200 million for the CalHFA Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan program. CalHFA will continue working with partners in State government and stakeholders to calibrate the program, which may include changes to the Program processes, guidelines, and systems.

As a result, CalHFA will provide an update this fall that will include a timeline for applications. We will send out all updates through our eNews to ensure all stakeholders remain informed.

Program information specific to the first phase of the Dream For All program, which closed on 04/07/2023, is available on this website to help borrowers and lenders as they continue to process loans in their pipeline.

Click here for more information