HOTT Homes Real Estate and Property Management Opens its Doors

Hi my name is Monique Ott and I am the founder of HOTT Homes Real Estate and Property Management. I want to start by saying thank you so much to all who have come to support me and my team as we opened our doors officially at the very beginning of the pandemic on April 1st 2020.

Those of you who are in attendance today you represent those who have traveled the road with me for the past 10 years either helping me fix something at home or have helped me navigate the local business and community or have supported me as a friend and family member. To all of you here today or watching live , HOTT Homes truly appreciates your ongoing support. I will try to keep this brief but I'm reminded that this is my opportunity to share with you where we have come from and what we plan to do to help our community. Where do I come from and how did we get here?  I grew up in Upland and Diamond Bar graduating from upland high school and later matriculating from the CLAREMONT Colleges, Pitzer College with a degree in Neuroscience. After traveling the nation from San Francisco to San Diego and Florida and suffering great loss in my life- I find great resolve with working, residing, and serving in CLAREMONT, the place my heart calls home.  Although it is difficult to talk about myself, I find it important in our day to let you know how a female and widow was able to start all over again and build a business that creating jobs in CLAREMONT. "Success is no accident.  It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all love what you are doing."  That was said by the great Pele. Which is a perfect segue to my foundation of hard work evident at the core of the HOTT Homes Team.  My father played a few games against the great peel and my dad score a handful of goal against Brazil, which makes my dad the world's best soccer player.  Yes you heard it here first.  Soccer is my foundation and ultimately drives me towards success at HOTT Homes Real Estate and Property Management because a portion of every sale goes to CLAREMONT AYSO, Region 3 to pay for kids league fees, cleats, shin guards, and a ball to ensure every child has  the opportunity to play soccer. Many of the members of the HUD homes team has or is actively volunteering for AYSO which stands for American Youth Soccer Organization. So not only do we donate a portion of every sale but we also donate our time to help those who need us. We as a family have used our expertise in life two benefits those that seek to learn. Another area where we donate our time to is housing Claremont. As a board member of housing Claremont I stand with many Claremont residents to try to facilitate affordable housing for those who need assistance. So when you decide to buy sell or rent a home with the assistance and services of HOTT Homes Real Estate and Property Management you are not only getting the guarantees and assurances of our award-winning services but you are also donating to a very worthy cause. Again I want to thank you! Thank for being here and for those of you supporting HOTT Homes from afar- online.  I welcome you to the HOTT Homes team and as we say before we walk out onto the pitch go team.