Giving, Providing Service, and Pure Generosity

Since I was a teenager, I have put myself in positions to serve youth.  My mission began when I was a teenager as a camp counselor and camp director volunteering a week or two or three each summer until I started having my own children (over 15 years volunteering for the YMCA), and now I serve the youth in church each Sunday and in my community as a soccer coach, referee, and commissioner (AYSO Soccer).  The service rendered changes; however, the lessons taught stay the same, "Choose the right. Become contributing members of society. Leave the place or thing better than when you found it. Do your best."   Also, what changes is that I can give back in a monetary way.  

Between now and January 31st, I will donate $1000 dollars to AYSO for all closed resale transactions resulting from you or your referrals.  Please spread the word so we can give more.

Giving, Providing service, and Pure Generosity makes the world a better place. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Merry Christmas!!! Season's Greetings!!!

#claremontayso #giving #service #soccer #joytotheworld #realestate #ayso @adventproperty